Sage EFT Direct error is caused due to many reasons. EFT is slow is the common reason that causes the error in the Sage application. More reasons are listed below and the solution is also given so that you can resolve it on your own. The solution is directly provided by the support team who is always here to help you out. You just need to follow the solution step by step for better results.
Reasons that cause the Sage EFT direct error
- File generation takes a long time by EFT Direct.
- While reading the data file EFT Direct encounter.
- The EFT file is not generated.
- In EFT, the transactions are not pulling up.
Solution for fixing Sage EFT direct error
EFT doesn’t respond
A/P generation
- Create the backup after opening the Sage 50 file
- Now select the Maintenance and clear data
- You need to choose the option clear paid transactions then also Clear Paid Vendor Transactions
- Select the box named to include inactive vendors then Clear Lookup data for all paid transactions
- Do click on the Select All
- You need to run the Vendor aged detail report to verify that there are no duplicate cheques used
- Also, check that quotes and commas are not mentioned in any of the cheque numbers
- The date you have to select on line Clear Transaction Paid or Before and the date is not from the past fiscal year or current year
- In the end, click on the button OK to apply all this.
A/R generation
- You need to open the Sage software
- Then firstly, create the backup of your company file data
- When the backup is done do click on the Maintenance option
- Then go to the clear data
- Click the option Clear Paid Transactions
- Then click on the Clear Paid Customer Transactions
- Verify the Include inactive customers option and also Clear lockup Data for All Paid Transactions
- Do click on the Select All after verifying it
- To check that the duplicate receipt numbers are not used you need to run the customer aged detailed report
- Also, take care that quotes and commas are not included in receipt numbers
- In Clear Transactions Paid or Before, select the correct date
- The date must not be in the past or current fiscal year then click on the OK button.
Payroll generation
- Do the backup of the Sage company file
- Click on the Maintenance then need to select the clear data option
- Now Clear Paycheque Details option needs to be selected
- If the data is in high quantity then it takes a long time
- In the end, delete the employees from the last 7 years that have not been paid.
How to get in touch?
Still, you are facing any kind of issue or have any queries you need to contact the support team. For more information regarding any functional or technical issues, you need to reach the team out to get the solution or information you need to know about the problem. You just need to dial the Sage Support phone number 1800-941-3691, send the email to, or do they live to chat with the experts. The team members are glad to help you by providing you the best assistance.
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